Support us
Your contributions help the Trust to support marine education school programmes and compliance, keep up the snorkel trail and signage, engage the community with Taputeranga Marine Reserve (community snorkel & outreach), award university research grants and be advocates for the marine reserve.
Become a Friend
You can make a difference by becoming a financial Friend. Joining is easy – just complete the membership form and transfer 20NZD for the year 1 July to 30 June to the Friends of Taputeranga Marine Reserve Trust bank account: 06 0565 0835945 00. As friend, we will keep you posted on upcoming events and opportunities to engage with the marine reserve and the Trust.

We are a registered charitable organisation (Charities Services registration number CC42893). You can support us with a donation to the Taputeranga Marine Reserve Trust bank account: 06 0565 0835945 00 (Reference: donation).
Consider payroll giving. Ask your employer how you can regularly give to the Trust and to make things even better, the Government pays one-third of it. See www.ird.govt for more details.
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Drop us an email if you like to receive our newsletter and hear about upcoming events.
You can also find us on Facebook.